DON’T DRINK ANY FORM OF ALCOHOL within 24 hours of Tattooing, or the numbing may not be as effective or long lasting. Spot test the cream on a small area that’ll be tattooed in advance, especially if you have sensitive skin. Apply a small amount for 10-20 mins on a small area to ensure that your skin doesn’t become inflamed. Some minor localized redness is normal.
-- Wash and exfoliate the area to be tattooed, lasered or pierced quite thoroughly with soap, water and exfoliator to remove dirt and dead skin this will help the cream penetrate. Dry area completely.
-- Apply a thick amount of numbing cream (2mm thick) to the area and rub in thoroughly.
-- Cover with plastic wrap. The heat under the plastic wrap helps activate the cream and keeps the cream from drying out.
-- Leave cream and wrap in place for a minimum of 30-45 minutes before procedure. Anymore than 60 minutes shortens the time in which it is affective.
-- After 60 minutes, remove the cling film and wipe the cream away with paper towel and you’re ready for your pain free tattoo!
Disclaimer: Painless Tattoo Co. assumes no responsibility for allergic reactions or adverse effects of any kind, please read the ingredients and instructions for use carefully before use and ask any questions you may have. If you have ever had any skin problems or allergic reactions or you’re in doubt at all, then consult a GP before use.