The giveaway begins on February 23rd, 2022 and ends on April 30th, 2022.

How long does the contest last?
When will you notify the winner?
After the contest ends we will send all entries to our 3rd party sweepstakes facilitator. They will conduct the random drawing and provide us with the winners information on or about May 7th, 2022.
Who is the tattoo artist?
The artist's name is Mark Lettig, he is the Co-Owner of Zen Tattoo in Salt Lake City.
Can I get any tattoo I want?
The winner can get any tattoo they choose, not exceeding 7 hours of tattooing.
What if I don't want to get the tattoo, is there an alternate prize?
If for any reason the winner chooses to forgo the Ink Dreams Prize Package, they will have the option to accept the alternate prize of $5,000 cash.
How is the winner selected?
After the contest ends we will send all entries to our 3rd party sweepstakes facilitator. They will conduct the random drawing and provide us with the winners information on or about May 7th, 2022.